1. Doctor Doom By Cantwell Larroca Christopher Cantwell
  2. Monarch
  3. Εικονογραφημένος Τόμος Doctor Doom Of Doom
  4. Superman Lois And Clark Doom Rising Lee Weeks NOV232502
  5. Digital Lizards Of Doom Gn Vol 01 Level 1 Dizzy Doom
  6. The Doomster S Monolithic Pocket Alphabet Hardcover
  7. Titans 13 Cvr A Chris Samnee
  8. Doom Patrol 99 Facsimile Edition SEP232941
  9. Doom Patrol By Gerard Way And Nick Derington The Deluxe Edition
  10. Τεύχος Doctor Doom Rocket Raccoon 1
  11. Τεύχος Doctor Doom Rocket Raccoon 1 Windowshades Variant Cover, Windowshades Variant Cover
  12. Τεύχος Doctor Doom Rocket Raccoon 1 Leinil Yu Variant Cover, Leinil Yu Variant Cover
  13. Unstoppable Doom Patrol #5 (of 7) JUN232886
  14. Unstoppable Doom Patrol , #4
  15. Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong Christian Duce Dc Comics
  16. Science Volume 3 A Brief Moment Of Clarity 10th Anniversary Deluxe Rick Remender
  17. Mezo Battle At Cobán Rock Tyler Chin-tanner
  18. The Doom Patrol Omnibus Grant Morrison
  19. John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction Interference Pattern Dennis Calero
  20. Voltron Volume 2 Brandon Thomas Forces Inc
  21. Challenge Of The Super Sons Dc Comics
  22. The Fellspyre Chronicles Book I Riccardo Federici Dc Comics
  23. Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom, 1
  24. Damn Them All DEC230173
  25. House A Clock In Its Walls 6
  26. Softback
  27. The Tyrant Skies , 1
  28. Invader Zim Quarterly Collection Oodles Of Doom Sam Logan Us
  29. Reincarnated Witch Spells Doom, Vol. 2