1. Doctor Doom By Cantwell Larroca Christopher Cantwell
  2. Monarch
  3. Superman Lois And Clark Doom Rising Lee Weeks NOV232502
  4. Digital Lizards Of Doom Gn Vol 01 Level 1 Dizzy Doom
  5. The Doomster S Monolithic Pocket Alphabet Hardcover
  6. Titans 13 Cvr A Chris Samnee
  7. Doom Patrol 99 Facsimile Edition SEP232941
  8. Doom Patrol By Gerard Way And Nick Derington The Deluxe Edition
  9. Art Of Doom: Eternal
  10. Unstoppable Doom Patrol #5 (of 7) JUN232886
  11. Unstoppable Doom Patrol , #4
  12. Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong Christian Duce Dc Comics
  13. Science Volume 3 A Brief Moment Of Clarity 10th Anniversary Deluxe Rick Remender
  14. Mezo Battle At Cobán Rock Tyler Chin-tanner
  15. The Doom Patrol Omnibus Grant Morrison
  16. John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction Interference Pattern Dennis Calero
  17. Voltron Volume 2 Brandon Thomas Forces Inc
  18. Challenge Of The Super Sons Dc Comics
  19. The Fellspyre Chronicles Book I Riccardo Federici Dc Comics
  20. Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom, 1
  21. Invader Zim Quarterly Collection Oodles Of Doom Sam Logan Us
  22. Reincarnated Witch Spells Doom, Vol. 2
  23. Damn Them All DEC230173
  24. House A Clock In Its Walls 6
  25. Softback
  26. The Tyrant Skies , 1