1. Kutahya Porselen Mood Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Green with Diameter 27cm
  2. Oriana Ferelli Moon Shade Plate Shallow Teal with Diameter 27cm
  3. Oriana Ferelli Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Grey with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  4. Espiel Step Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Cream with Diameter 26cm
  5. Kutahya Porselen Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Gray with Diameter 24cm
  6. Espiel Matt Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Black with Diameter 26cm
  7. Estia Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Black with Diameter 26cm
  8. Espiel Liana Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Red with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  9. Max Home Mood Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Blue with Diameter 27cm
  10. Nava Lines Faded Blue Plate Shallow Ceramic Blue with Diameter 27cm
  11. Bormioli Rocco Parma Plate Shallow Square Glass White 27x27cm
  12. Estia Plate Shallow White
  13. Espiel Tiffany Plate Shallow Glass White with Diameter 25cm
  14. Estia Terra Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Green with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  15. Luminarc Diwali Plate Shallow Glass Light Blue with Diameter 25cm
  16. Ionia Itea Plate Shallow made of Porcelain White with Diameter 25cm
  17. Oriana Ferelli Kea Plate Shallow made of Porcelain White with Diameter 27cm
  18. Bormioli Rocco Ebro Plate Shallow Ceramic with Diameter 26cm
  19. Nava Plate Shallow Ceramic Black with Diameter 26.5cm
  20. Cyclops Plate Shallow Plastic Pink with Diameter 23cm
  21. Estia Terra Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Gray with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  22. Luminarc Diwali Plate Shallow Ceramic Green with Diameter 25cm
  23. Espiel Roma Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Black Red with Diameter 27cm
  24. Espiel Liana Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Blue with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  25. Estia Pearl Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Gray with Diameter 26cm 6pcs
  26. Oriana Ferelli Moon Shade Plate Shallow White with Diameter 20cm 6pcs
  27. Estia Plate Shallow Ceramic White with Diameter 21cm 6pcs
  28. Espiel Wavy Plate Shallow Rectangular made of Melamine Matte Black 26.5x11cm
  29. Oriana Ferelli Plate Shallow made of Porcelain White with Diameter 19cm
  30. Kutahya Porselen Mood Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Blue with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  31. Espiel Step Plate Shallow Ceramic Black with Diameter 30cm 6pcs
  32. Fylliana Plate Shallow Glass Black
  33. Espiel Good Mood Plate Shallow Ceramic White with Diameter 26cm
  34. Espiel Wavy Plate Shallow made of Melamine Matte Black with Diameter 35cm
  35. Estia Plate Shallow White with Diameter 27cm
  36. Duralex Plate Shallow Glass Transparent with Diameter 23.5cm 6pcs
  37. Nava Lines Oil Green Plate Shallow Ceramic Oil Green with Diameter 27cm
  38. Oriana Ferelli Moon Shade Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Yellow with Diameter 27cm
  39. Estia Plate Shallow White with Diameter 20cm
  40. Estia Plate Shallow White with Diameter 27cm
  41. PiP Studio Royal Plate Shallow Square made of Porcelain Multicolour 23.5x23.5cm
  42. Max Home Mood Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Beige with Diameter 24cm
  43. Estia Terra Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Salmon with Diameter 26cm 6pcs
  44. Bonna Plate Shallow made of Porcelain 6pcs
  45. Espiel Step Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Black with Diameter 30cm
  46. Espiel Terra Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Blue with Diameter 26.5cm 6pcs
  47. Espiel Daisies Plate Shallow Ceramic Pink with Diameter 27cm
  48. Estia Terra Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Gray with Diameter 21cm
  49. Espiel Terra Plate Shallow Oval made of Porcelain Beige 36x24.5cm
  50. Estia Pearl Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Gray with Diameter 27cm 6pcs
  51. Espiel Step Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Grey with Diameter 26cm
  52. Espiel Step Plate Shallow made of Porcelain Beige with Diameter 30cm