1. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth Smart Pack Outdoor4 White
  2. Adastra Active Speaker 100W Outdoor with Bluetooth Ενισχυτή (Piece) White
  3. Adastra Powered Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth 8*BH6W+A4 in White Color
  4. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth Smart Pack Waterproof White
  5. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth Smart Pack Waterproof White
  6. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth Smart Pack Outdoor2 White
  7. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth in White Color
  8. Adastra Set Installation Speakers 100W with Bluetooth White