1. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Plate 215 215P.NM.90 Pair (Center Distance 90mm) Nickel Matt
  2. Zogometal Lever Middle Door with Rosette 2161 2161 Pair with Rosette URL
  3. Viobrass Lever Front Door with Plate Left 4086 4086 Nickel
  4. Viobrass Lever Middle Door with Rosette 4083 4083 Pair Nickel Matt
  5. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Plate Z-023 Z-023 (Center Distance 75mm) Nickel
  6. Import Hellas Lever Front Door B-5 2890 Nickel
  7. 'Ifaistos Lever Middle Door with Plate X-402 Pair White
  8. F.F. Group Lever Front Door with Plate Right Α1432 44264 Gray
  9. Lever Middle Door with Rosette MR08934 Pair Silver
  10. Zogometal Lever Middle Door with Rosette 231 231 Pair with Rosette Nickel / Chrome
  11. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Plate Z-021 Z-021 Pair (Center Distance 90mm) Gold
  12. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Rosette Z-010 Z-010 Pair with Rosette Gold
  13. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Plate Z-081 Pair (Center Distance 75mm) Black Checkmate
  14. Lever Middle Door with Rosette Pair Silver
  15. Conset Lever Middle Door with Plate C1705Η C1705HRM01M01 Pair (Center Distance 75mm) Inox
  16. Lever Front Door with Plate Left 1854-3 (Center Distance 85mm) Gold
  17. Lever Middle Door 251101 Pair White
  18. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Rosette Z-010 Z-010 Pair with Rosette Nickel
  19. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Plate 215 0036.0216 Pair Matt Nickel
  20. Convex Lever Front Door with Rosette Left 1495 with Rosette Nickel
  21. Martin Lever Middle Door with Rosette Ν8 Pair White
  22. Roline Lever Front Door with Plate Right K372 K372 (Center Distance 75mm) Bronze
  23. Conset Lever Middle Door with Rosette C1645 C1645S05S04 Pair with Rosette Nickel / Chrome
  24. Import Hellas Lever Front Door Β-5 5393 Gold
  25. Import Hellas Lever Front Door B-1 5391 Gold
  26. Zogometal Lever Middle Door with Rosette 304 304 Pair with Rosette URL
  27. Domus Lever Middle Door with Plate 6340M Pair (Center Distance 85mm) Black Velvet-Black Metal
  28. Viobrass Lever Front Door with Rosette Right 65 65 Nickel
  29. Import Hellas Lever Front Door with Rosette Right 52081 Black
  30. Lever Middle Door with Rosette 155093 Pair Black Velvet-Black Metal
  31. Convex Lever Middle Door with Rosette 1145 1145RAFS05S05 Pair with Rosette Nickel
  32. Viometale Lever Front Door with Rosette Left 06.1030 with Rosette Brass
  33. Conset Lever Middle Door with Rosette C1785 C1785RORS05S05 Pair with Rosette Nickel
  34. Conset Lever Middle Door with Rosette C1655 C1655RORS19S19 Pair with Rosette Black Velvet-Black Metal
  35. Conset Lever Middle Door with Rosette C1275 C1275RORS05S04 Pair with Rosette Nickel / Chrome
  36. Import Hellas Lever Front Door with Rosette Right Μ-103 Silver
  37. Import Hellas Lever Middle Door with Rosette Z-015 Z-015 Pair with Rosette Nickel
  38. Lever Front Door with Plate Right 121 Nickel
  39. Roline Lever Middle Door with Rosette K800 Pair Nickel Matt
  40. Pomoli Lever Middle Door with Plate 1952-2 Pair (Center Distance 90mm) Chrome
  41. Manital Lever Middle Door with Rosette Flash 155-05 Pair Black Velvet-Black Metal
  42. Zogometal Lever Front Door with Rosette Left 2081 2081 with Rosette Black Velvet-Black Metal
  43. Koulikidis Lever Middle Door with Plate Α42 Pair (Center Distance 75mm) Nickel
  44. Convex Lever Middle Door with Rosette 2185 2185RORS19W13 Pair with Rosette Black / Wood
  45. Conset Lever Middle Door with Rosette C1785 C1785RORS19S19 Pair with Rosette Black Velvet-Black Metal
  46. Lever Middle Door with Rosette 10989-PRA1 Pair Green
  47. Zogometal Lever Middle Door with Rosette 2061 2061 Pair with Rosette Black Velvet-Black Metal
  48. Koulikidis Lever Middle Door with Rosette Left 182 61-0418 Black Velvet-Black Metal