- Vânzător de top
Nature's Plus Collagen Peptides 294gr
de la38,45 € la 31 magazine Nature's Plus Collagen Peptides 378gr Ciocolată
de la36,00 € la 18 magazineNature's Plus Marine Collagen Peptides 244gr
de la43,16 € la 23 magazine
Clar- Vegetale: Supplements that are suitable for vegans do not contain animal ingredients or derivatives, such as milk, eggs, or honey. They are designed to support a strictly plant-based lifestyle.
- Vegetarian: Supplements suitable for vegetarians do not contain meat, fish, or animal by-products from slaughter, but may include dairy, eggs, or honey. Ideal for those following a vegetarian diet.
- Fără gluten: Gluten-free supplements do not contain this protein component, which is found in wheat, barley, and rye. They are ideal for individuals with gluten intolerance, or those who prefer a gluten-free diet.
- Fara lactoza: Τα συμπληρώματα χωρίς λακτόζη είναι ιδανικά για άτομα με δυσανεξία σε αυτή ή για όσους αποφεύγουν τα γαλακτοκομικά προϊόντα.
- Expediat de la Skroutz Hub: Produse disponibile pentru expediere direct prin depozitul nostru, Skroutz Hub.
- Oferte: Produse cu o reducere semnificativă de preț.