- Legenda lui Zelda 10
- Super Mario 26
- Dimensiuni 10
- Super Smash Bros 76
- Splatoon 16
- Star Wars 7
- Pokemon 1
- The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 7
- Metroid 2
- Poveste de jucărie 2
- Imaginators 1
- Animal Crossing 7
- Pikmin 2
- Aladdin 1
- Kirby 6
- Punch Out!! 1
- Mega Man 1
- Lone Ranger 2
- Forța de schimb 3
- SuperChargers 4
- Mașini 2
- Brave 1
- Frozen 2
- Echipa Trap 2
- Twilight Princess 2
- Wii Fit 1
- Giganții 1
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