- 3D 641
- Stone 622
- Map 518
- Wood 528
- Nature 1.646
- Striped 203
- Animals 678
- Comics 1
- Brick 414
- Sea 519
- Floral 3.024
- Food 1
- Sports 157
- Cork 0
- Polka dot 17
- Marble 53
- Concrete 84
- Stars 9
- Leather 121
- Painting 15
- Monochrome 615
- Bookcase 7
- Letters 40
- Wicker 13
- Space 39
- Vintage 442
- Design 3.473
- Geometric 935
- Diamonds 37
- Cities 1.551
- Mosaic 30
with Adhesive
- Photo Wallpaper: The wallpapers depict a large high-resolution photograph and usually have standard dimensions, like very large posters.
- Washable: You can clean the wallpaper with a damp cloth and water, it is recommended not to use chemical liquids.
- Offers: Products with a significant price drop.