Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης

5 products
  1. Θρησκευτικοί προσανατολισμοί, Collection of articles on the basic religious truths, their social impact and the religious situation in Greece
  2. Panhellenism
    Kid & Teen Literature


    Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης

    from17,17 € at 7 stores
  3. Ελληνισμός και χριστιανισμός, History of the collision of Greek civilization with the Monotheistic doctrine
  4. Αἰθὴρ Μὲν Ψυχὰς Ὑπεδέξατο…, Death, the afterlife of the soul, and reincarnation according to the Greek religious tradition
  5. Ο Προκατακλυσμιαίος Πολιτισμός, Following the teachings of Timaeus, we trace the events of the great flood 12,500 years ago and the vanished civilization of the golden age